Services Provided:


General Health & Nutrition:

*Primary management of complex medical issues

*Annual history and physical exams

*Health maintenance and prevention

*Advanced Nutrition and integrative neutraceutical care

*Analysis of laboratory studies

*Acute care/Emergency medicine

*Dermatology and minor skin procedures


Cardiac Care:

*Advance cardiac care Stress tests, ECG, Holter monitoring

*Cardiodynamic analysis

*24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

*Specialist in Hypertension Management

*Advanced cholesterol analysis by specialist in Lipid Management

*Cardiopulmonary assessment and rehabilitation


Diabetes Care:

*Diabetes care and insulin pump set up and insertion and training

*Certified Diabetes Education

*Continuous Glucose monitoring technology


Osteoporosis & Bone Health:

*Peripheral bone density screen

*FRAX scores (Fracture Risk Assessment )

*Vitamin D screening


Respiratory Care:

*Spirometry (breathing capacity)


*Pulmonary rehabilitation

*Smoking cessation program


Weight Management & Nutrition:

*Weight loss and maintenance

*Nutrional analysis and evidence based neutraceuticals

*State of the Art -Drug therapy review and reconciliation and interaction analysis


Pain & Addiction Medicine:

*Suboxone therapy and addiction medicine

*Toxicology and drugscreens

*Pain management and integrative care

*Non Invasive Spinal Decompression

*Advance Pharmacological analysis of medications